Amoura Carter is a current high school English teacher in Charlotte,
North Carolina, and she is eager to start the new school year. In
addition to teaching English, she also writes short stories in her spare
time in order to hone her skills at the activity she loves. Here are
some useful things to keep in mind as a writer.
When you’re writing a story, of any size, you need to edit and revise your work constantly. Although this can get extremely tedious, it is essential to the writing process, and you’ll be glad you did it once the final copy is completed. No writer can write the perfect story in one sitting, and some days you’re in a better mood to write than others; make sure you take the time to go back over your work so that you don’t regret it later.
Be as descriptive as possible. The best stories are the ones that show the reader rather than tell the reader. Make sure you really work on creating a scene for the readers’ imaginations as you unfold the plot because no one wants to be told an entire story from the narrator’s perspective. This doesn’t mean that every sentence needs to be packed with adjectives, it just means that showing is better than telling.
Practice every day. Writing should be treated like any other job you’d hold as a professional; if you want to get better, you have to do it every day in order to see the results you want on the page.
Amoura Carter works at being a writer as often as she can.
When you’re writing a story, of any size, you need to edit and revise your work constantly. Although this can get extremely tedious, it is essential to the writing process, and you’ll be glad you did it once the final copy is completed. No writer can write the perfect story in one sitting, and some days you’re in a better mood to write than others; make sure you take the time to go back over your work so that you don’t regret it later.
Be as descriptive as possible. The best stories are the ones that show the reader rather than tell the reader. Make sure you really work on creating a scene for the readers’ imaginations as you unfold the plot because no one wants to be told an entire story from the narrator’s perspective. This doesn’t mean that every sentence needs to be packed with adjectives, it just means that showing is better than telling.
Practice every day. Writing should be treated like any other job you’d hold as a professional; if you want to get better, you have to do it every day in order to see the results you want on the page.
Amoura Carter works at being a writer as often as she can.